Celebrate Purim with Minyan Tehillah!

Purim night, Sat., 2/23
Davening and megillah reading at 7:30 p.m., late megillah reading at 9:45 p.m.
Joint Minyan Tehillah/Cambridge Minyan 2013 Oscars Party Purim Celebration at 9 p.m. Come dressed for the occasion in formal wear or as your favorite movie character. Each minyan will have its own megillah reading followed by a jointly hosted party.
Cost: $10 per person for the party
If you would like to get involved in party-planning, there is still time! Contact Leila Bilick ([email protected]) to volunteer.
Purim day, Sun., 2/24:
Davening, megillah reading, seudah brunch, and kids' costume parade starting at 9 a.m.
All Purim events will take place at Casa Do Benefica, 178 Elm St, Cambridge, MA 02139 (map)
Sign up for Minyan Tehillah's "Sweet & Salty" Mishloach Manot
Following the custom of sending gifts of food to each other on Purim, we will prepare baskets that you can "send" to others in the Cambridge/Somerville Jewish community.
Everyone who sends a basket will also receive a basket. Baskets will be distributed at Minyan Tehillah's megillah reading on Purim morning (Sunday, February 24th at 9 a.m.) or delivered on Purim day to those who do not attend the service.
This is a fun community-building program with several levels of participation and pricing. We are encouraging as many people as possible to participate. Any proceeds will contribute to Minyan Tehillah's operating costs. The deadline for sign-up is Friday, February 8th.
Please see the sign-up form for all the details, and write to [email protected] with any questions.