Our Tefillah

Minyan Tehillah meets the second and fourth Shabbat mornings of each month at 9:15am and the Friday night before the third Shabbat morning of each month. For detailed information on location and times, please see our Calendar.
Shabbat Morning
On Saturday mornings at Minyan Tehillah, the prayer service begins with a woman leading P'sukei D'zimrah. A man then leads Shacharit, a woman leads the service associated with taking the Torah out of the aron (and returning it), and a man leads Musaf.
Both women and men receive aliyot and read from the Torah. There is a male gabbai and a female gabbai. We call up a man for an aliyah only when a man is slated to chant that aliyah, and call up a woman for an aliyah only when a woman is slated to chant that aliyah.
We do not begin Shacharit services until we have a quorum of ten men and ten women. See the tab labeled "Quorum policy" for more details. In our prayer space, a mechitzah runs down the center of the room. Women sit on one side and men on the other, each with equal visual access to the aron kodesh and the shaliach tzibur. In short, gender as a category is self-consciously preserved in the service, while maximizing the possibilities for women to be active participants within the parameters of halakhah.
We meet for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, one morning of Sukkot, Simchat Torah morning, Purim night, one morning of Pesach, and one day of Shavuot. For more information on the structure of specific holiday services at Minyan Tehillah, please contact [email protected].
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Shabbat Morning
On Saturday mornings at Minyan Tehillah, the prayer service begins with a woman leading P'sukei D'zimrah. A man then leads Shacharit, a woman leads the service associated with taking the Torah out of the aron (and returning it), and a man leads Musaf.
Both women and men receive aliyot and read from the Torah. There is a male gabbai and a female gabbai. We call up a man for an aliyah only when a man is slated to chant that aliyah, and call up a woman for an aliyah only when a woman is slated to chant that aliyah.
We do not begin Shacharit services until we have a quorum of ten men and ten women. See the tab labeled "Quorum policy" for more details. In our prayer space, a mechitzah runs down the center of the room. Women sit on one side and men on the other, each with equal visual access to the aron kodesh and the shaliach tzibur. In short, gender as a category is self-consciously preserved in the service, while maximizing the possibilities for women to be active participants within the parameters of halakhah.
We meet for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, one morning of Sukkot, Simchat Torah morning, Purim night, one morning of Pesach, and one day of Shavuot. For more information on the structure of specific holiday services at Minyan Tehillah, please contact [email protected].
© Can Stock Photo Inc. / PixelsAway