As a partnership minyan, Minyan Tehillah actively seeks opportunities for women to take on leadership roles in the prayer services within a halachic framework. We aim to create an uplifting davening, with melody, singing, and spirit. Through regular shared meals, chesed opportunities, tefillah, and communal learning, we aspire to build a strong community in Cambridge.
Children's Programming

Minyan Tehillah offers programming for children starting at 10:45 a.m. every morning that we meet. Kids' groups include both free play and Shabbat services. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact [email protected].
Educational Programming
The divrei Torah (words of Torah) given by members of the minyan each Shabbat morning are brief, 5 minute reflections on topics ranging from the parshah (weekly Torah portion) or an upcoming holiday to current events or even opera. Additionally, we aim to have a Lunch & Learn or Friday night family learning program every month. These are either potluck meals or paid catered meals followed by 50 minute classes taught either by visiting or local scholars. If you are interested in giving a d'var torah or teaching at a Minyan Tehillah event, please contact [email protected].
We are also eager to teach community members how to lead davening, leyn Torah, read haftarah, give a d'var torah, get an aliyah, and much more. If you would like to learn any of these skills or need to brush up, please contact [email protected].
We are also eager to teach community members how to lead davening, leyn Torah, read haftarah, give a d'var torah, get an aliyah, and much more. If you would like to learn any of these skills or need to brush up, please contact [email protected].
Kashrut Policy
All food must be dairy or pareve and be prepared in a kosher kitchen with food bearing an appropriate hechsher. Food should come fully ready to serve with appropriate serving utensils. If you have any questions about our kashrut policy or food quantities or need ideas of what to bring if you don't have a kosher kitchen, please write to [email protected].
Statement of Inclusivity
Minyan Tehillah strives to be inclusive and welcoming. We welcome Jews of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, and sexual identities.
Minyan Tehillah strives to be inclusive and welcoming. We welcome Jews of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, and sexual identities.